Tuesday, March 28, 2017

3...2...1... Blast off into Cyberspace

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I started this blog a few months ago, but after writing one post (and later coping a couple other posts over from my journal), I kind of forgot about it. I guess the timing wasn't right. But now I am feeling the push to write more and to put my thoughts out there for people to read. 

I recently enrolled in a program called the Be Bold Membership. It is a program that a Life Coach, Jody Moore put together. I have been listening to Jody's podcast off and on for the past few months but hadn't heard about her Be Bold Membership until a couple weeks ago. When I heard about it, I felt really drawn to enroll in it. So I did. :) I am really loving it so far. Having a life coach, learning awesome skills, being part of a personal growth community - this is my jam. :) 

I just watched the recording of a class that she did for the membership community a couple months ago. It was about Creation and Consumption. I also listened to her podcast on the same subject. It gave me some things to think about. It made me realize that I need to find more balance in my life when it comes to creation and consumption. I love to consume... lots of things, but mostly information. I love to learn, especially things that pertain to my personal growth - as a wife, as a mom, and as a person in general. Consumption isn't bad. But if I'm only consuming and not creating, then that's not good. I know that I don't only consume, and I do create, but a lot of my creations don't leave the walls of my own home. Which I think is good and fine to a certain extent. But I also know that I am a unique individual. No one is exactly like me. I have something unique to contribute to the world. I need to create and contribute. 

So that's what I'm going to try to do with this blog. I'm going to try to make it a space where I can share my thoughts and journey of my life. If you know me personally, then you know that I have a lot of thoughts going on in my head. So this blog will probably be evidence of that. I'm not going to force myself to stay within any certain subject matter. This is just going to be a hodgepodge of things that I'm learning and how I am applying them to my life. Another thing, that you definitely know if you know me personally, is that I am long winded. I am detailed. And you know what? I'm not going to apologize for that. Haha. I know that I could improve in my writing skills, but I'm not going to worry about that too much. I'm just going to write. 

I also feel like this will be kind of fun because I love to share the things that I am learning, but I don't always feel like the people that I share it with are all that interested, or I feel like I am being "passionately pushy." I would like to have a space to share where I can just give my thoughts and don't have to feel like I am pushing them on anyone. 

Putting myself out into the big world of cyberspace is kind of scary for me. I am human and have to battle feelings like "what if someone actually reads this?" "I don't even know what I'm talking about, am I even qualified to write something like this?" "what if someone doesn't like what I share?" One thing that I appreciated that Jody has said though is that "I'm not for everyone." Not everyone is going to agree with me, or like me. That's ok. I'm not writing to them. They are not my audience. So I'll do my best to just ignore those people and keep writing so that I can share with the people that actually want to hear what I have to say. And even if no one reads this, or if no one cares about what I have to say, that's ok. I am writing this for myself as well. I am writing these things so that I can record my own personal journey. 

Here are a few things that you can probably expect me to share on here...

-I am going to write up some "essays" of life lessons that I've learned (this learning process is always ongoing). I have been wanting to write these anyway, to include in Volume 2 of my Personal History. (I compiled and printed Volume 1 about my childhood/young adult years back in 2011.) Something that I feel has been a big part of this decade of my life (at least these first 6 years of it) is personal growth. I have learned so much about myself and helpful tools/mindsets over these past few years. I really want to write some "essays" about the life lessons that I have learned and grown from. I want to include these essays in volume 2 of my personal history. 

-I will be recording my process and experience with learning, first for myself, and then being able to teach those skills to my kids. 

-Random thoughts that I have about life.

-Anything else that I feel like sharing. :)

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