Friday, July 14, 2017

What is this blog about, anyway?

So for all of my avid readers (ahem... me, myself, and I), I wanted to explain what this blog is anyway. Haha. 

So at the beginning of May, we had a Relief Society activity. It was a "life organization conference." I was asked to present about my morning routine. I have been doing a personal development morning routine for 2 years now (based off of The Miracle Morning (and other resources). 

I only had 10 minutes to present but I could have presented for like 3 hours (or more) on the topic. I spent a long time preparing for my presentation. One, because I like to plan things out and prepare well, and two, because I am passionate about personal growth so I love learning about and sharing these kinds of things. 

There weren't very many people there, I didn't feel like I had enough time to share everything that I wanted to, and no one really talked to me about it afterwards, so I didn't think I had got my message across like I wanted to. I was a little bummed about it when I was driving home. I had a little pep talk with myself as I was driving home, reminding myself that "I'm not for everyone" and that's ok.

I was also comforting myself by telling myself that even if no one was inspired by what I shared (and that was unlikely... probably at least one person got something from my presentation,) it was still good that I had done the presentation. I really enjoyed preparing for it and my preparations made me really dive deeper into the resources (The Miracle Morning and The Latter-day Morning books) again and become even more inspired and excited to take my routine to the next level...especially after the past year or so of not doing my routine to the max (because of pregnancy and new baby stages.) So even just for that, it was worth it for me to have done this presentation. 

Well, when I got home, I told J about how it went and how I had way more content to share than I had time for.  Being the super supportive husband that he is, he said "I have an idea. What if I build you a website and you can share your content on there?"  And that got me really excited. Like I said, I'm passionate about personal growth, and I really feel like teaching about this morning routine (and organizing my personal growth learning into the elements of the routine,) would be fun and a good way for me to share what I love. 

So I told J that I thought that was a great idea. He immediately bought a domain name so that he could start making the website for me.  Life has been busy the past couple months (summer trips and such) so he hasn't had a lot of time to work on it yet, but it's coming along slowly but surely. I have such a cool husband and I love that he cares about my dreams and passions. :)

Also, when I got home that night, I kept thinking about this quote (that I had read in The Miracle Morning book as I was finishing up my preparations for my presentation.)...

"Many people don't feel comfortable visualizing success and are even scared to succeed. Some people may experience resistance in this area. Some may even feel guilty that they will leave the other 95% behind when they become successful.  
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (Marianne Williamson).  
The greatest gift we can give to the people we love is to live to our full potential." 

When I was writing in my journal about it that night, I wrote "This is really true...especially for women I think. Shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around us does not serve the world. I need to stand up. I need to be bold. I need to share my passions and talents and gifts with others. Living MY life (with my unique gifts and talents) to my fullest potential is a great gift to the world." 

So that's how this blog was really born (even though I had technically posted a few times before that).  Eventually, when the website is really up and running, this blog is going to be integrated into it. 
I need to explain my morning routine on the blog sometime so this all makes a little more sense because I'm sure that my posts seem kind of random and scattered sometimes.  Basically though, I write about the things that I am learning and how I am applying them and practicing them in my own life.   

I knowingly admit that I am far from a professional writer.  I am definitely not an english major.  Haha.  But I decided that I am not going to stress about my writing style or skills (or lack thereof).  I am just going to be me.  A lot of my posts come (mostly) from my journal.  I am big into record keeping and I keep a consistent and detailed journal.  So my posts often come from things that I have written about in my journal and then I just make some minor adjustments when I turn them into a blog post.

And if you're wondering why this blog is called Lo Dawn, you can read about it in this post.

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